And in

Step #1 : Evaluation

We will measure the carbon footprint of each product with a Cradle-to-Gate (approaching the standard ISO 14067) vision in order to set up a multifactorial evaluation of our products.

This will allow us to promote products that are more respectful of the environment and health and to reformulate products where relevant.


Step #2 : Objectives

2023 will also allow us to set clear targets for improving and reducing our carbon footprint in line with the IPCC reports and moving towards the SBTI recommendations.

Step # 3 : Innovation

The challenge of decarbonation lies in the formulation of our products as well as in their use and their application by our customers. We will therefore continue to develop innovative Coatings & Composites global solutions to drastically reduce the overall Carbon Footprint from Craddle to Grave, while meeting the market need.